Contributing to GPSLC.jl


For basic editing of small portions of the GPSLC.jl source code, you can use Revise.jl to ensure the package is precompiled and up-to-date.


If you intend to make a contribution to GPSLC.jl, please make a fork of this repository and work on your additions there.

Pull Requests

When the changes on your fork are ready for review, please create a pull request on Github to the dev branch of GPSLC.jl. Please also mention any relevant issues the PR is intending to address in the description of the PR.

If your changes aren't ready for submission but you would like feedback, please create a pull request on Github as above, but mark it as a Draft. This will let reviewers know that the PR is in-progress and looking for feedback. Feel free to add any extra comments or extend the description to indicate what you would like reviwed.


It's recommended to create a ~/.julia/config/startup.jl file with the following contents:

using Pkg
if isfile("Project.toml") && isfile("Manifest.toml")
    using Revise

This makes it so $ julia bash commands will run in the GPSLC environment.


In the Julia REPL execute

using Pkg, Revise
using GPSLC

And then you're good to go and add things as needed and rerun them. Revise should keep things up to date in the REPL as changes are made.


All changes should be accompanied by corresponding tests in the test suite found in test/runtests.jl. We recommend using test-driven-development (TDD) and writing tests for the components prior to the components themselves, so you know they work as expected once they've been written. There are many good resources out there for TDD.

If you're using Visual Studio Code with the Julia extension, the contents of runtests.jl, the GPSLCTests module can be executed using Shift+Enter or similar, and it will include a call to Revise.jl so that the GPSLC.jl package is up to date.

You can also run the tests straight from the REPL by running


or to run the full test suite including package installation verification

import Pkg; Pkg.test("GPSLC")


To check code coverage, run

$ julia --code-coverage test/runtests.jl

Which will work assuming you have followed the instructions in Setup